If you want to know how your health is right now, try looking down at your nails. Did you know? Changes in the color or appearance of your nails can indicate that Is your body having problems right now? And these are the changes in your nails that you should pay attention to.
white nails
If the nails are almost all white or about two-thirds of the nail. It can mean liver problems such as hepatitis and cirrhosis. It also refers to diabetes and heart disease. But if your fingernails are white but your fingers are yellow, it may mean jaundice. which is caused by liver problems People with chronic kidney failure Often have half their nails white. If there is a white stripe across the nail And when you press the nail with your hand, the white color will fade. This may mean a protein deficiency in the body. (Hypoalbuminemia)
Pale nails
Pale fingernails can be a sign of a medical condition, such as anemia, heart failure, liver disease, or just a nutritional deficiency.
Yellow nails
One of the most common causes of yellow nails. is a fungal infection If the infection is more severe The tissue under the nail plate may shrink. and nails may become thick and bent. In rare cases Yellow nails may indicate a serious medical condition, such as hyperthyroidism, lung disease, diabetes , or psoriasis. Yellow nails can also be a sign of Yellow Nail Syndrome, which can cause the nails to thicken. But it didn’t lengthen like normal. The สมัคร ufabet skin around the nail may disappear. or the base of the nail slips up This symptom may be caused by many internal diseases, such as the presence of cancer in the body. diseases of the respiratory system rheumatoid arthritis Or it may come from swelling of the lymph nodes in the hands.
blue-green nails
In this case, the nail itself will not directly change color. But the tissue under the base of the nail will become a faint blue-green color. This condition is called nail bed cyanosis, which can mean the body isn’t getting enough oxygen. It may also indicate that there is a lung problem such as emphysema or certain types of heart disease. It may also be the reason why the nails have this color.
Rough nail surface
If the nail surface is rough It looks like a hole or a pit. It may be an early sign of psoriasis. or arthritis This may also include a change in the color of the nails. The skin color under the nails will look reddish-brown.
Broken nails
Dry, brittle, cracked, or chipped nails may be linked to thyroid disease. But if the nail is cracked and has a yellow tint as well It can be caused by a fungal infection in the nails.
The base of the nail is swollen.
If the skin around the nail is swollen and red This indicates inflammation of the skin around the nail. This may be caused by an autoimmune disease (Lupus) or a connective tissue disorder. Including infections that cause redness. and inflammation around the base of the nail In addition, frequent contact with water May cause the skin around the nail to break down. Resulting in irritation from chemicals such as chemicals from cleaning fluids.
There are black lines under the nail surface.
If there are black lines under the nail surface You should go see your doctor as soon as possible. This is because it may refer to Melanoma, which is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. If the cause is skin cancer The appearance of the nail will be a black line. Uneven color It’s just one nail. And the skin at the base of the nail may also be black.
Curved nail surface
This condition occurs when the tip of the finger enlarges. Until the nails are curved at the fingertips. It usually takes a year for symptoms like this to occur. Curved nails sometimes indicate low blood oxygen. And it may be a sign of some types of lung disease. It may also be associated with inflammatory bowel disease. Coronary artery disease, liver disease, and AIDS
The tip of the nail has a dark ring.
It is characterized by dark rings at the tips of the nails, called Terry’s nails. They most often occur with age. But it can also be caused by certain diseases. such as diabetes, liver disease, heart attack
concave nails
It is characterized by the appearance of the nails being concave downwards, resembling a spoon (Spoon nails or koilonychia). Most often, this symptom is a sign of iron deficiency anemia. Or it may be the opposite, caused by liver disease that causes iron overload. Hemochromatosis is caused by the body absorbing too much iron from the food you eat. Sometimes this condition is associated with heart disease. and hypothyroid or thyroid hormone deficiency
Grooved nails
The appearance of grooves across the nail called Beau’s lines is caused by the growth of the nail. Disturbed by injury or serious illness, such as recurrent diabetes Peripheral vascular disease or high fever due to scarlet fever, measles, mumps, or pneumonia. It may also be a sign of zinc deficiency.
The tip of the nail recedes.
Sometimes the nail may separate from the tissue beneath the nail plate. This condition is called nail tip recession. Onycholysis, which results in free space under the nail The cause may be due to certain diseases such as psoriasis. Hyperthyroidism, fungal infections, and dermatitis