Get to know 6 popular diseases in children that come with the cold season at the end of the year.

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Parents may already know that during the winter, people’s immune systems are low. And this is the period when the child’s body is very vulnerable to disease. Today, we would like to invite parents to get to know 6 popular diseases in children that come with the winter at the end of the year. Let’s see what those popular diseases are.

Get to know 6 popular diseases in children that come with the cold season at the end of the year.

1. The common cold
The common cold is considered a disease that can occur every season. But when winter comes, it becomes easier and more than 2 times more frequent than before. As for the common cold, it is mostly caused by a viral infection. It is transmitted by inhaling droplets from sneezing. Symptoms of the flu include coughing, sneezing, clear mucus, nasal congestion, low-grade fever, and body aches.

2. Influenza
Influenza is a disease caused by infection with the influenza virus. The symptoms of this type of disease are all like the flu. Only more severe There will be a high fever. Body aches, severe headache, cough with mucus, vomiting, loose diarrhea and sore throat.

3. Pneumonia Pneumonia
is a disease caused by a bacterial or viral infection of the air sacs of the lungs. Causes inflammation in the said area. As for the symptoms of pneumonia, they include high fever, shortness of breath, cough with phlegm, and tightness in the chest. Pneumonia usually occurs after a chronic cold. or occurs in patients with asthma

4. Measles Measles
is a disease caused by infection with the measles virus. This disease is usually found in young children or school-age children. Symptoms of measles There will be a fever, red eyes, a runny nose, a dry cough, and after about 3-4 days of having a fever, a red rash will appear behind the ears and face until it spreads to the body and limbs. There may also be bumps on the cheeks and molars. But 2 days after the rash appears, the fever will begin to subside. Parents should be careful about complications such as otitis media, pneumonia, encephalitis, and loose diarrhea.

5. Diarrhea
Diarrhea that occurs during the winter is usually caused by a viral infection such as rotavirus. This disease usually occurs in children younger than 5 years. As for the symptoms, there will be loose diarrhea, vomiting, red bottom, and fever. Tall, eats little food and the โปรโมชั่น ufabet body is often fatigued

6.Chickenpox Chickenpox is
a disease caused by infection with the chickenpox virus. This type of disease usually occurs in young children and school-age children. It is a disease that can be transmitted through direct contact with the blisters. Or even through breathing, it can be transmitted as well. As for the symptoms of chickenpox, they include fever and body aches. A red rash appears on the face and body. Later it will be a clear fluid blister. which may be pustules When the blister breaks, it scabs over. Overall, the symptoms will take approximately 7-10 days.

Parents already know the types of popular diseases that occur during the winter. In any case, don’t forget to strengthen your children’s immune systems. During the winter a lot Try to pay attention to eating food that is nutritious and complete with all five food groups. Including paying attention to the cleanliness of your children’s bodies as well because these things will help your children Very far from the disease.